Digitization: will every student soon get a tablet?

Digitization: will every student soon get a tablet?

First, because any technology can fail and, second, because you know "that – with an unremarkable pregnancy – one does not achieve worse results with the hearing aid than with the CTG. It just means more caesarean sections." It was not until the middle of the 19th century that the heart rate and its changes during childbirth became more and more important. In purely technical terms, continuous recording was only possible at the beginning of the 20th century.

CTG by radio allows women freedom of movement

Just a few years ago, women were literally wired to the devices – which made some births difficult. Today, according to Klockenbusch, people are increasingly working with radio, so-called telemetry. "Even so, there is no need to monitor the entire birth. This only makes sense in the last section."

Klockenbusch adds: "Technology is not the most important thing, especially during pregnancy and childbirth." It only becomes relevant when risks for mother or child emerge. And then special devices such as the Oxford CTG are also used. This computer-aided CTG monitoring system records criteria that are not visible to the naked eye and compares them with a reference database.

There is a risk of injury with the internal CTG

In addition to the external CTG, the examination can also be carried out internally. However, only if the amniotic sac has cracked or burst. An electrode is then inserted and attached to the unborn baby’s head or bottom. This is how you record the heartbeat. The contractions are determined at the same time using a balloon catheter, which is also inserted, as this is compressed during a contraction. The method is more precise, but also more complex. As there is a risk of injury, they are usually only used for special indications.

The CTG can save lives

The CTG has become an indispensable part of a birth today. Because the heart reacts immediately to a lack of oxygen, stress of any kind, infections or poisoning. If the child’s heartbeat is normal, then you can be relatively sure that he is fine. If the heartbeat becomes weaker or slower, something may be wrong.

However, certain movements or even the baby’s natural sleep-wake rhythm can cause concern for no reason. "A CTG usually takes 20 to 30 minutes, but if there are irregularities, let it run longer to be sure." The CTG therefore helps to recognize a danger for the child at an early stage and to be able to intervene before the unborn child is harmed.

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A two-stage test has proven useful in diagnosing gestational diabetes. Women selected using this two-step process benefited from subsequent treatment. The Institute for Quality and Efficiency in Health Care (IQWiG) in Cologne points this out with reference to scientific studies. The basic principle of the diagnosis of gestational diabetes is that the pregnant woman drink a glass of sugar water and then the blood sugar level is determined in one or more blood samples.

Procedure of the investigation

However, there are different variants of the investigation. In the studies, almost all pregnant women completed one first "small" IQWiG explains the stress test, which lasted about an hour. It is estimated that a quarter of the women had an elevated blood sugar level measured. These pregnant women completed a detailed second sugar stress test over two to three hours. In most women, the suspicion of gestational diabetes was not confirmed. Targeted treatment began for the others.

Protection for mother and child

According to IQWiG, pregnant women can reduce the risk of delaying the birth, known as shoulder dystocia, for example by changing their diet or – in special cases – by injecting insulin. This is usually without consequences. Since the child is threatened with a lack of oxygen, obstetricians often resorted to quick countermeasures that could injure mother and child. The number of heavier children weighing more than 4,000 grams has also been roughly halved among the study participants.

Anyone who is afraid of diabetes during pregnancy can do a so-called sugar test. If the suspicion is confirmed after a brief variant, a detailed glucose tolerance test is carried out.

Diabetes: you should know that
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Sugar test in the short version

The short version for the sugar test is also called the glucose challenge test. "Challenge" comes from English and means something like "Challenge". You can do this test at any time between the 6th and 7th month of pregnancy by your doctor. In this case, whether or not you have eaten something before is irrelevant. You don’t necessarily have to do this sugar test on an empty stomach.

The procedure: You drink a large glass with a sugar solution – 50 grams of glucose or grape sugar dissolved in 250 to 300 milliliters of water – and then you have to wait an hour. Your blood will then be drawn and your blood sugar level will be measured. A value below 7.5 millimoles per liter is considered harmless.

Glucose tolerance test during pregnancy if diabetes is suspected

If the value is above 7.5 millimoles per liter, a detailed glucose tolerance test is recommended in order to be able to diagnose gestational diabetes. For this sugar test, you must go to the doctor on an empty stomach in the morning, which means that you must have drunk no more than water and not eaten anything eight hours beforehand.

In total, blood will be drawn three times and the blood sugar level determined. The first blood sample is taken on an empty stomach. Here the value must not be higher than 5.1 millimoles per liter in order to rule out the diagnosis of gestational diabetes.

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Then drink a sugar solution, this time with 75 grams of glucose, and wait an hour. If the following second blood sample shows a value of less than 10.0 millimoles per liter, this is a good sign. To be on the safe side, a third blood sample is taken after another hour. Here the value must not exceed 8.5 millimoles per liter. If he does, your doctor will advise you on the treatment of diabetes during pregnancy.

Where a student sits in class influences their learning success. Researchers have now investigated why this is so – and used high-tech to do this.

According to a study, students learn better in the first row in the classroom than in the back row. This was shown in a virtual classroom specially created for the experiment, announced the graduate school and the LEAD research network at the University of Tübingen.

Math with virtual reality glasses

The pupils had experienced the same classroom situation using virtual reality glasses – either from a seat near the teacher or from the back row. "After the joint maths lesson in the virtual classroom, the students in the front rows of seats solved math problems faster than those in the back row" explained researcher Friederike Blume.

Consequences can now be drawn from this knowledge for the real classroom. This could include the teacher moving around the classroom during the lesson or changing the seating arrangements of the students regularly during a school year.

Proximity to the teacher makes learning easier

According to the study, all students benefited equally from being close to the teacher. Contrary to what was expected, the effects in children with attention and behavior difficulties were the same as in the other children. They need further support, such as a targeted approach, so that they can learn more easily.

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A total of 81 boys and girls from fifth and sixth grades, primarily from high schools, took part in the study. The results are the journal "Learning and Instruction" released.

Sources used: dpa news agency

Pregnancy also affects the eyes. If parts of the field of vision suddenly become black or if the woman sees lightning, quick action is required. 

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Visual acuity can change during pregnancy. This is usually nothing to worry about, says the Freiburg ophthalmologist Thomas Neß, an expert from the German Ophthalmological Society.

Pregnancy affects the entire woman’s body. So too on the eyes. Myopia, for example, worsens by up to 1.5 diopters in some pregnant women. However, eyesight usually returns after the birth. Buying new glasses is therefore usually not worthwhile.

Gestational diabetes sign

On the other hand, pregnant women should go to the ophthalmologist if their visual acuity changes suddenly or if they see worse and then better several times a day. https://topadultreview.com/ This could be the first sign of gestational diabetes, warns Neß.

If parts of the field of vision suddenly become black or if the woman sees lightning, quick action is required. Both can be signs of preeclampsia, a dangerous complication of pregnancy.

Study: A late pregnancy harbors these risks for the mother Pregnancy: which preventive examinations are useful Trisomy 21: Down syndrome in babies – How much do pregnant women want to know?Sources used: dpa

Muesli for breakfast, by bike to work: Those who live healthily before pregnancy are significantly less likely to develop diabetes during the nine months. This not only protects the mother, but also the unborn child.

With the belly, the risk of developing diabetes increases in pregnant women. Often, so the theory goes, pregnancy, by stimulating the metabolism, only provides the final impetus for diabetes. Women lay the foundation for the disease much earlier.

This theory is also supported by the results of a recent, large study by Cuilin Zhang’s researchers from the US National Institue of Child Health and Human Development "British Medical Journal" have published. Accordingly, a woman can probably influence whether she will develop diabetes or not in the nine months before pregnancy.